
christophlaib avatar image
christophlaib asked

Venus OS not booting on Raspi 3

Hi there :-)

I'm trying to boot the latest Venus version on my 3B Raspi.

Flashed the .wic file with RPI Imager, and also Balena Etcher.

ON SD, Boot and root drive are displayed.


but : no luck, only blank screen or rainbow

any advice ?

Venus OS
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johnny-brusevold avatar image johnny-brusevold commented Ā·

Try deleting all the partitions on the sd card, format with fat32 and rewrite the image. If that does not work try another sd card or maybe a firmware upgrade.

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christophlaib avatar image christophlaib johnny-brusevold commented Ā·
hi & thx

tried everything...
reformat, other SD Card, firmware update...
standard Raspian os works well.
just get a blank white screen.

any help appreciated :-)

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1 Answer
vassilis-bourdakis avatar image
vassilis-bourdakis answered Ā·

may be missing something, but screen is one thing (I'd leave it aside to start with)

Q is does the rpi with Venus actually work? can you connect to it and bring up the gui on your pc/laptop browser?

if yes, then you have to debug screen issues, what screen/size/touch or not, etc.

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