
mrrose83 avatar image
mrrose83 asked

Cerbo network issue after update 2.84


I done the last update (2.84) at the cerbo and since that i´ve some strange things.

Today it´s running complete normal but then it starts to be unreachable. I try to ping the cerbo but with out success. It looks the network is no longer connected.

Sometimes after a few minutes its comeback and all working normally. But sometimes only a power reset can help to get him back alive.

Are there any logfiles where I can get more information about the reason?

As second question: I´m using an SMA inverter that sometimes not display at the cerbo. By the settings I can see that it´s there but there is no way to get it displayed. After some time, it´s shown again. Any tips to have the inverter constant displayed?

cerbo gx
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joal avatar image joal commented ·
I am having the same issues. Since updating to the new software version I keep dropping off line after an hour or so. It is connected with Ethernet cable. Open to any suggestions.
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Are you connected via an Ethernet cable?

If not, that would be my first suggestion for a permanent reliable connection.

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mrrose83 avatar image mrrose83 commented ·

Yes, by cable, the cable connection looks ok. I check the connection also every 30sec by ICMP. And can´t find any issue with instability.

This weekend I’ve the issue that the cerbo works normal and from one to the other it stops working and needs to be power reset to work again. But these it not anytime necessary sometimes it´s connect automatically after about 5min.

I see by the SCP a lot of logfiles, maybe they can help to get an idea of the issue. Do you have an discription about the different logs?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

Yes, by cable, the cable connection looks ok.

Still, test with another LAN cable.

I done the last update (2.84) at the cerbo and since that i´ve some strange things.

Also boot into the older Firmware and see if the issues are fixed or not.

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mrrose83 avatar image mrrose83 seb71 commented ·
Still, test with another LAN cable.

I will do, i order an cat7 cable and will test tomorrow. But today i check it by Wifi and the issue is the same.

Also boot into the older Firmware and see if the issues are fixed or not. 

Today i´m testing with the last 2.73 version but the connection issue is the same. From time to time it lost and reconnect after some minutes. Are there any issue known by Modbus request by external clients or SMA inverter that occure these?

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mrrose83 avatar image mrrose83 mrrose83 commented ·
Cat7 Cable change take no effect.

Yesterday i change the cerbo to an new one. It worked without any issue. Looks really like a hardware issue with the old one.

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psp-maxi avatar image
psp-maxi answered ·

Hallo, ich hänge mich hier dazu.

mein System besteht aus einem OctoGX, 2x Multiplus 3000 parallel, 2xSmartsolar 100/30, bmv712.

Dieses läuft seit Anfang 2019 ohne Probleme, immer erreichbar. Seit dem Update vom OctoGX auf die letzte Firmware, habe ich teilweise täglich den Verlust der Netzwerkverbindung. Diese kann nur durch den Reboot des OctoGX behoben werden (automatisch, nach 12 Stunden wenn keine verbindung zum VRM Portal). Das OctoGX ist mit einem Netzwerkkabel mit dem Router verbunden. Bis zum Update hat alles funktioniert und es wurde an der Hardware nichts geändert.

Vermutlich bin ich Ende April wieder auf meinem Boot und werde die letzte 7* Firmware installieren, diese hat ja funktioniert.

Scheinbar hat sich in der 8* Firmware etwas am Netzwerk getan.......

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