
iv4n avatar image
iv4n asked

Installing IPsec L2TP for VPN

I was wondering if anyone had a guide or any luck configuring a L2TP VPN client software on venus OS, I'm using venus os large on a raspberry pi 3b+.

My router doesn't have an OpenVPN server so I can't use the guide for that :(

I tried compiling xl2tp and got an error:

contrib/pfc.c:14:11: fatal error: pcap-bpf.h: No such file or directory
   14 | # include <pcap-bpf.h>

I don't have much experience compiling and I know venus os uses a very strip down linux so I can't get things to install.

Venus OS
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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered Ā·

I am not sure on what device you are trying to compile xl2tp, as you are aware VenusOS does not have a compiler.

There are additional packages available here, I have had a quick can and cant find xl2tp already in a package form.

This means you will need to use the internet search and build the executable and needed libraries by hand, copy them across and configure. Please note any firmeware update will remove anything that is not stored in /data.

The specific error you have is that a c header file is missing. This likely means that a dependancy has not been installed. Doing a quick google of the header file, it is part of the libpcap library that I suspect xl2tp uses.

A good resource is likely

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