
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.84~1 available for testing

Good morning,

New version available to test. Fixing one more GX LTE / GX GSM issue introduced with v2.80, and completing support for our new updated MultiPlus-II GX: for all those MP-II GX and ES-II GX models, we're updating the hardware of the CAN comm. port to be a full featured VE.Can port rather than a limited 500kbps BMS-Can only.

More on those updated products will follow soon, like which of them is already shipping with the new functionality, and which are not, in the GX product range datasheet.

Same new hardware also adds Bluetooth, for configuring (mainly) WiFi and Ethernet using VictronConnect.

In case you don't know what this message is about, then please start with reading this link, which explains the Venus OS beta program.

What to test?

For most systems nothing specific. The included changes are rather trivial and small.

Changes, compared to v2.83:

  • GX LTE / GX GSM: Fix setting the APN when required by the SIM-card and/or operator. (Apparently-) most sim cards don't require that; but some do. And there was an issue with that, introduced in v2.80
  • Add selectable VE.Can port profile for new hardware revision

That is all for now, have a good day, Matthijs

Venus OS
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