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philiplyra asked

Question/proposal for Smart_BMS_12-200 - Battery Charge Limit also on charge disconnect

In the Victron Connect App for SMART BMS 12/200 there is a setting for Battery Charge limit.
Setting this limit interrupts charging through the Alternator input when battery voltage exceeds set value.

According to the manual the "charge disconnect output" protects against cell overvoltage (4.2V ?) and high battery temperature.

Question, would it be possible to create an option so that the charge disconnect output also switches off when the Battery Charge limit has been reached (like for the Alternator Input)? If so, could this be included in a future firmware update?

In combination with Battery Protect and a charger, this will allow normal charging of battery to 13.6V (80%) and incidentally changing this to 13.8V (95%) or higher for monthly balancing or exceptional needs.

BMSBattery Protect
2 |3000

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