
espoerer avatar image
espoerer asked

Cerbo GX Generator Configuration

I have a 48 Vlt off grid system with a Quattro Inverter and a Cerbo GX controlling start and stop of the generator connected to the first relay as shown.


In the system configuration settings, should the CA 1 be set at Generator?


Also, at the Start/Stop Generator Setting configuration, is it desirable that the Detection of the Generator be set to on?


Thanks in advance!

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


How you set the generator whether AC1 or AC2 depends on where in the Quatro you connected it.

And where you connect it usually depends on what you want from it. If you need it for black starting (battery went to 0%) then it must be in AC1. But if you have grid mostly then AC2.

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espoerer avatar image espoerer commented ·

Alexandra thank you very much for your answer, so if AC is provided only by the generator as it is my case, let say that it is connected to AC1 (I will check it) at the inverter, all the settings in the Remote Console of the Cerbo GX should refer to AC1, so it should look like this?



Thanks again for your help.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ espoerer commented ·


Yeah. I would say that is good.

Generator on AC1, tell the system that is so. And it does make sense for the system to monitor if the generator does start up so you will know if it tried and something failed. I have not used that function yet. So it will be interesting to know how it works for you.

Wondering if the alarm will only tirgger when it tried starting the generator and now detects nothing? Or if the alarm will be there the whole time when you are not using the generator.

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