
wojtek-m avatar image
wojtek-m asked

3 Phase MultiPlus with different phase loads

Is it possible to mix MultiPlus II inverters in 3 phase system? For example one 5kva model and two other 3kva? Or have 4 inverters - two sitting on phase 1 and other two dealing with phase 2 and 3?

Anyone build such system?

Multiplus-IImulti phase
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

All of the units within a system must be that same model. You cannot mix different size or model units in a multi phase or single phase system.

Here is the documentation:

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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


Yes it works.

At the moment I have one inverter on L1, two on L2 and one on L3.


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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·

@Wojtek M

My Victron installer told me that only size of the inverter and its model must be the same in the 3 phase system. Number of units per phase does not have to be the same.

Soon I will test it in my system. I am waiting for a warm day to do it.

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phips avatar image phips commented ·
That sounds interesting. Have you already tested it?
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