
dexter avatar image
dexter asked

Connecting BMV712 to CCGX..Is it possible?

I need a little help. I would like to connect my bmv 712 to my ccgx to utilize the relay to trigger my 12v water heater element when batteries are near full. I am already using the relay in the ccgx to start my Onan Generator. I have a multiplus 3000 12v, mppt 185/90. The ccgx is connected to the smart shunt. I have the Ve direct connected to the smart shunt and the mppt controller. Ve bus is connected to multiplus and dig multi controller. What I have left are the two Ve can and 1 usb connection. Is it possible to wire this into the system? Where does the bmv712 get it power? I also have the shunt that goes along with the bmv712 if i can incorporate that into the system

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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Dexter

It's possible with this.. Direct or with with a (powered) usb hub.

You have other options to switch your heater too..

* Change out the Sshunt for the BMV (the shunt itself is probably identical).

* Switch from the Multi using VS or Assistants. This is the place to head if you're a logic/switching person.

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dexter avatar image
dexter answered ·

Thankyou I will explore these ideas

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

@Dexter Make sure you only use the internal Victron relays for low power. So you need to use victron to switch a relay the can handle all the power taken by the water heater.

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dexter avatar image
dexter answered ·

Yes a relay for sure. Another question. If my 12v water heater element max watts would be let’s say 200w my solar array is 800w max, how do I throttle the watts down? The water heater in my truck camper is 6 gallons so it should only take an hour or so to heat.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
Your 12V element will only take 200W if it is connected to a 12V system.

The 800W of the array is how much power it is capable of producing. If the load is 200W, the the PV will supply 200W.
In the same way that a battery may be able to provide 2000W to an inverter, if required. Connecting a 5W light bulb to that same battery does not mean that 2000W will go into the light bulb.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

You should probably do the sums on how much energy you'll need to heat that water. With 200W I reckon closer to 8 hours than 1.

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