
Andrea avatar image
Andrea asked

Cerbo upgrade problem

Hello I upgrade my Cerbo at the version 2.73 really I need the 2.80 for use the Ruuvi temperature tags. After the upgrade the WiFi LED flash orange and I can't open the remote consolle. In the VRM the device is working and put the data....

What happened? How I can solve the problem? I try to connect the MK3 adapter but I don't find the is possible to reset all at the factory set?

Thanks for help me!

cerbo gx
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9 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @Andrea , which system on VRM did you upgrade? What is the name or VRM url?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
And are you having issues with Remote Console on LAN, or Remote Console on VRM, or both?
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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

Hello I can't open the remote consolle from PC and from the phone....I have the WiFi LED blinking orange....the Cerbo put the data in the VRM but it sometimes when it want .... I do the upgrade by the remote consolle on the VRM


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hi, thanks for the quick reply - which of your systems has this issue?
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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

The name of the plant is :Maso Pradedont

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks. I checked, and that Cerbo is not running v2.80. Its still on v2.73, and indeed it looks like there is some connection issue - hard to diagnose from a distance.
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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

Thanks for your help Matthijs! Yes is strange....I have the system at work in the table of the workshop at the moment....there is a possibility to reset the factory settings? The upgrade of the firmware is work step by step? From the 2.60 upgrade at 2.73 and after at 2.80? I can entry in the Cerbo with the MK3 adapter?

Thanks for all!

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Andrea, no logging in with the MK3 adapter is not possible. Doing the updates again won't help - I'm 100% sure about that.

How is that Cerbo connected to the internet? Using ethernet or using WiFi?

To reset to factory settings, see instructions here:

Hope that helps, please let me know the result.

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Andrea avatar image Andrea commented ·

Hello Matthijs,

the Cerbo is connected via ETH cable, the wifi and bluetooth are off, i can't switch on them...

how i have to do? i have to reset at factory settings?

the botton up the power plug don't work i read it can be use to switch on -off the bluetooth.

when i try to see the device with my phnone by the app i see only the smart shunt and the MPPT solar charge control,

Thanks best regards


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Andrea commented ·
Hi Andrea, good morning. Yes, please do a factory reset. And then follow the VRM connectivity trouble shooting instructions in the manual. I'm quite sure that will help solve it.
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Andrea avatar image Andrea mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

hello Matthijs,

i download the file venus-data.tgz copy it (is only 1kb, is ok?) on a USB pen,

i remove the SD card, i remove all'the object connected to the Cerbo like MPPT, smarth shunt and wired temperature sensor.

i switch off the Cerbo, i put the USB in the first USB port, than switch on the Cerbo,

after the WIFI LED flash orange again....i wait some minutes too...than i switch off the Cerbo remove the USB PEN, than switch on the Cerbo, but the WIFI LED flash again orange and some times do 3 green ok? what i have to do now?



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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Andrea commented ·
Hi Andrea, I have asked one of my italian speaking colleages to send you an email, he'll help you.
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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

ok thanks so much!

with this file can solve something?


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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

hello everyone,

i solve the problem with one of my Cerbo changing it, the dealer change it in warranty, it arrive and i do the update firmware and now i can see the Ruuvi tag sensor.

At the same Cerbo i connected 2 cable ttemperature too code ASS000001000 but on the VRM i have 3 different temperature indicated....the real value is what the Ruuvi measure...i have about 9 degree difference....why? one cable sensor sometime give a strange temperature...i moved the cable at the end of the sensor and send the same value of the other one....i cut the heatshrink at the end of the sensor and find the black cale not soldered at the sensor....

now how to calibrate the sensor at the same temperaure? all 3 are in the same place logically and stay more hours near...


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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

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Andrea avatar image
Andrea answered ·

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