
marko-soba avatar image
marko-soba asked

CCGX somethimes not connecting to VRM?

Hy guys,

I have a problem. I'm using CCGX to connect to vrm, via ethernet cable. Most of the time works fine, but from time to time it cannot connect to vrm. CCGX is updated to latest firmware. When it is not working it shows error #159.

I checked the Troubleshooting CCGX to VRM connectivity guide and couldn't find an answer.

Thank you for the help!

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Marko Soba

Sometimes the VRM is being updated with new features, it causes some disruptions.

Sometimes my ISP is ultra slow and I dont get updates.

Other times i swear maybe it was the wind direction

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Ulrich avatar image Ulrich commented ·
What is "from time to time" exactly? Every 1h/12h/24h/3d????
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marko-soba avatar image marko-soba Ulrich commented ·

the first time we set it up it didn't work (you could not see anything on vrm), after a 4 days it started working by itself. Now it has worked for 28 days and few days ago stoped. We didn't change anything. I checked the internet connection and it's working fine. I'm guessing that there is a problem with internet settings. If you tipe in the ip adress from ccgx you can acces it localy from the same network but it cannot send data to vrm. Since we are on the yacht I cannot try to use different network to connect it. I will buy a wifi dongle and try if it works with the network from my phone using hotspot.


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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ marko-soba commented ·
This looks as if your boat's internet connection is dodgy. Wifi via phone may or may not work better, I assume the boat has a GSM based internet connection like the phone. Chance of improvement on a different network.
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Marko Soba

Your error #159 is described in the troubleshooting connection section of the manual.

You can set your GX to reboot periodically to try re-establish connection when it looses it for a period of time. For example I have one site rebooting if it has lost contact for about 3 hours. It usually clears issues like this.

Alternatively find a way to get a stronger connection to the WiFi. I have found anything under 50% it will struggle to reconnect and send, especially if there is interference.

If you are saying, though, that locally you can see data fine then maybe it is your router blocking the outgoing traffic? Or an ip conflict?

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