
salvapost avatar image
salvapost asked

Multiplus vs Multiplus II

Hello, I will like to know what are the main fundamental differences between the Multiplus and the Multiplus II.

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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The real main reason for the Multi 2 was made for more stringent grid codes and safety. It has a steel body, not aluminium as the multiplus does and a smaller form factor.

More in this thread here.

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salvapost avatar image salvapost commented ·

Thank you!

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iand avatar image
iand answered ·

It's obvious if you read the datasheets, but though the MP-II is definitely smaller overall, it's also taller, especially the higher-power units. No problem in most applications, but less helpful if it has to go into a vertically restricted space where the old MP/Quattro will fit but the new (about 20cm taller) MP II / Quattro II won't -- like in a boat, in my case... :-(

The only solution is to mount it sideways, less good for cooling -- but in reality this won't make much difference to airflow through the unit once the fans come on, which they do at relatively low power anyway. Coming on at lower output power (e.g. 1kW instead of 2kW for a 10kVA unit) doesn't really matter much, either way you need to mount it somewhere the noise with fans on isn't a problem because they're not exactly quiet...

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

You're gonna need a bigger boat. :)

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iand avatar image iand seb71 commented ·
Boat is quite big enough, thank you (18m long narrowboat) :-)

Problem is available vertical space (550mm) in the "engine room" where all the electrical equipment goes, older Quattro/Multiplus will fit (h=470mm) but new MP/Q II won't (h=677mm)... :-(
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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·
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