
rvan-gils avatar image
rvan-gils asked

Easysolar II GX Display status-off problem

Updated the firmware today. But now my display status is off. Normally is states HUB-1 on and xxx watt.

BMV-700 firmware v3.08

Multiplus II Firmware 490

Smartsolar MTTP 250/70 firmware v1.59

Everthing works fine, remote desktop, load, etc. Exept the dispay.

I tried a lot. Reset, completely powerless and at last firmware update again with default settings. No result.

Anybody an idea?

With kind regards,


EasySolar All-in-One
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rvan-gils avatar image rvan-gils commented ·
It is working again. It's the firmware. I replaced it with the older firmware.
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2 Answers
marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·

@Rvan Gils

Did that display work at any time?

There is a ribbon cable between display and GX board.

See if it is connected properly.

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rvan-gils avatar image
rvan-gils answered ·

The display itself is working fine, as is the button to select different information. So it displays the solar status and the power usage. But no more hub status.

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