
petertmac avatar image
petertmac asked

Cannot see second JBD BMS after Update

Hi Louis,

Up until today I have been running Venus OS 2.73 and Serial Battery 0.9 on my Raspberry Pi and was able to see both of my JBD BMS's.

Today I added some Ruuvi temp sensors to my system and had to update to Venus OS v2.80~44. After the update I can only see one of my BMS's. Tried updating to Serial Battery v0.1, but unfortunately still can see only one BMS.

All good if I rollback to v2.73 but then unable to integrate Ruuvi sensors.

Any idea what my problem might be?



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1 Answer
Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered ·

Hi @petertmac

I have the same problem on the V2.80 firmware. The problem seems to be that the serial-starter services says it starts the driver, but it never calls the driver.
I have had no replies to my post about this issue yet, so am a bit stuck.

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petertmac avatar image petertmac commented ·
Thanks Louis,

Just read your thread and my logs show the same as yours. Hopefully it will get resolved at some point.

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