
paulcupine avatar image
paulcupine asked

Color GX onboard flash error - solvable?

colorgx.jpegMy just out of warranty CCGX failed with aa "Hardware problem detected #42" error. I understand this is an onboard flash failure of some kind, though I fail to understand why this chip would fail after such a short time. These chips can typically handle hundreds or at least tens of thousands of writes and this one is only 6 years old.

My Victron dealer says they do not do board level repairs, however I do have access to the capability. If I want to replace the onboard flash chip, can someone please point me to the correct one on the board and let me know whether the unit will then come up or whether some low level (jtag?) programming will be required to get it up?

CCGX Color Control
colorgx.jpeg (84.7 KiB)
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Before trying to do any PCB level repair, I'd first get your dealer to raise an RMA anyway, no harm in trying.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

A factory reset may be worth a shot if it is just corrupt data.

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