
johanrussouw avatar image
johanrussouw asked

ET340 for measuring Utility and PV connected on AC Out 1 power

I have the ET340 power meter connected with a single phase system. Can I use the 2nd phase to measure my PV system power event though it is connected on the UPS side of a Multipuls II ACOut1?

Will it mot effect my earth-leak with the ET340 neutral connected to the utility power?

Multiplus-IIpower meter
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4 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

It won't effect your RCD or earth leakage relay.

Not sure about the wiring to the ACout1 below is a standard wiring layout for single phase.

1552593750959.png (48.5 KiB)
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johanrussouw avatar image johanrussouw commented ·

thanks Rob

I have the PV inverter connected to the AC Out1 due to all the load shedding in RSA. The PV can assist the batteries during these periods. Thus the questing if I can still use the 2nd phase to measure the PV inverter output. At lease for the periods that the power utility is on.


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zak avatar image
zak answered ·

Hi, I would like to recall this discussion. I am facing to issues with break on the grid:

I have the Multiplus II 5KVA/48V, batteries Pylontech US2000B with the famous USB Type B.

I connected the ET340 L1 for the Grid and Loads, the PV in AC coupled on the L2.

ET340 is wired in RS485/USB to the CCGX.

So the ET340 is L1 = Grid+ Load, L2 = PV AC coupled.

L1 is connected to the ACin of the M2.

L2 is connected to the ACout 1 of the M2.

CCGX is defined in Single phase.

Things seem to work nice so far until the sun is coming up on the day after and break the grid, all the house is down. I don't understand as I don't think I had violated the Factor 1.0 rule, I have 3KW of PV AC on the roof.

Where is the issue coming from ? mis-match phases ?

Thanks. Regards.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Zak, please post as a separate question, and to help getting a good answer you might need to make a detailed wiring diagram. It might or might not be related to the way the meter is used and wired.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, see , Q5 & Q9.

And here:, dual function chapter.

Answer is: yes from a software & measurement point of view you can do that with a ET340 type meter. Note you cannot do it with the other type, EM24.

Wrt affecting earth leak; that depends on how the system is wired and local regulations, please consult an installer. When in doubt, use two ET112 meters; or in most cases you won't even need to measure the PV Inverter using a meter, since most commonly used PV Inverters can be read out digital. More information in the CCGX Manual, PV Inverter section.

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zak avatar image
zak answered ·


The unique explanation about the issue is mainly due to the phase.

Grid on AC in and PV inverter on AC OUT1 does not work.

In the schematics ET340 4&5 are merged together, then this is going to the Multi/Quattro but nothing mentionned about ACin or ACout, seems it can go to one or the other but can not be split ; i.e 4 in ACin and 5 to ACout.


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