
donnib avatar image
donnib asked

d-bus path list where can i find it ?


There use to be a place on github where i could find a list of all dbus paths so i then could guess what the MQTT topic was called but i cannot find this list anymore, anyone know where it is ?

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) do you or @mvader (Victron Energy) know ?


Venus OS
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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered Ā·
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ThoHet avatar image
ThoHet answered Ā·


but we don't have a list where I can see all writable data points ?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
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ThoHet avatar image
ThoHet answered Ā·

ok, and where do I get the data points from ? Somehow there must be an overview or ?

Can someone possibly present his experience here ?


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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented Ā·
Have you tried dbus-spy? This will show you what's available on bus.
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