
repro avatar image
repro asked

Quattro with SmartShunt

I have a Quattro 48/100/70 and I am very happy with it. I also have a VE SmartShunt 500 that is not in use. I was wondering if there is an advantage to adding the SmartShunt to my system? Are there any advantages over the Quattro's internal battery monitoring hardware?

The only additional information I can see offhand is the "TimeTo Go" calculation that the SmartShunt offers and the Quattro does not. Is the SmartShunt more accurate then the Quattro's hardware? If the SmartShunt offers little more, I do not want to add it to my system.

If anyone can chime in with details, I would really appreciate it.

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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

The SmartShunt should be more accurate in measuring current in/out of the battery (and for calculating SOC) than your inverter.

You only have that Quattro inverter in your system? No solar charger, for instance?

What battery do you have? For certain types of battery BMS-es, the SmartShunt is not needed.

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repro avatar image repro commented ·

I have a Quattro 48/100/70, VE BlueSolar 150/70, four 48V/100Ah LiFePO4 batteries in parallel (each with their own internal BMS), a Cerbo GX, twelve 320W panels. I also have a VE SmartShunt that is not in use.I have the batteries connected to one bus bar, the SCC and inverter on another bus bar. I would install the SmartShunt between the two bus bars as close to the batteries as possible.

I do not know what battery monitoring hardware is in the Quattro. The Quattro controls the SCC. Thanks!

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seb71 avatar image seb71 repro commented ·
For your system a SmartShunt is a very useful addition.
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