
victronista avatar image
victronista asked

Touch GX Necessary?

Is a Touch GX device necessary to use the Cerbo GX? Can the Touch GX device do things that cannot be done with VictronConnect? Does it add functionality, or is it just more convenient?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The Bluetooth connection via VictronConnect is only for network settings. For the system visualization you need to access the remote console via LAN, WLAN, VRM or with the optional GX Touch 50/70.

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jacobjned avatar image
jacobjned answered ·

It is a display unit with a touchscreen feature. The screen is powered from one of the Cerbo's USB ports (specifically, the usb port closest to the HDMI port). The Cerbo GX will work without the screen. Think of it like the classic, ColorControl GX where the screen was built-in with physical buttons. In this case, Cerbo GX doesn't have screen. It is up to you purchase a separate LCD Touch screen add on.

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