
Mark Maritz avatar image
Mark Maritz asked

VRM: Battery Temperature Not Updating

Have to refresh the browser to get updated battery temp. Doesn't update realtime!



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Mark Maritz avatar image Mark Maritz commented ·
Can I bump this item. All other updates are regular but the temp is an NB value and page needs to be refreshed to update it.
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Mark Maritz avatar image Mark Maritz Mark Maritz commented ·
Still no feedback on this request. You have to manual refresh the page to update the battery temperature.
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2 Answers
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Where are you looking and what is the source of the temperature reading?

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Mark Maritz avatar image
Mark Maritz answered ·

In the battery widget on the dashboard and the source of the reading is a Pylontech Lithium connected using Can.bus to CerboGX. Remote console shows correct temperature.

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