
darius avatar image
darius asked

dbus API specifics for battery monitors


I have a mobile coffee van with a Victron Multiplus and an enerdrive ePro battery monitor (the battery monitor predates the Multiplus which is why it's not a Victron unit).

I have setup a Rasperry Pi running Venus for monitoring both and it's working well (my congratulations to Victron for making it open source and highly flexible!). I wrote a program to parse the ePro serial data and write to dbus which seems to work however I was wondering if there is any specific documentation about exactly what paths mean what (I got the list of paths from

For example I am not sure what the difference between "/Dc/0/Current" and "/Sense/Current"?

My code is at if anyone wishes to use it or copy it. It should probably be integrated with serial-starter but this works for now ;)

Venus OS
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2 Answers
Louis van der Walt avatar image
Louis van der Walt answered Ā·

I think this is what you are looking for

If you want to contribute your code to my serialbattery driver to add ePro, that might be a good place for your code.

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darius avatar image darius commented Ā·
That is exactly, thank you very much.

I guess my search-fu was not up to scratch :)

I'll take a look at submitting a pull request for the ePro to you code.

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darius avatar image
darius answered Ā·


I had a look at serialbattery but it seems very geared toward lithium BMSs whereas the epro is purely a battery monitor (for lead acid batteries) so I don't think I can fit my code in nicely.

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