
drewbie avatar image
drewbie asked

IP22 Charger charging at 16v+

Morning, I have a IP22 charger connected to a 120AGM battery along with a BMV-712. I had the charger set to 14.7 volts. When monitoring the charger etc it showed what I expected. I then enabled V.E Smart on the BMV and joined the IP22 to the network. It is sharing amps and volts. What I noticed is the charging went over 16v+ (disable VE and it goes back to 14.7). My Battery Protect said over voltage and disabled its output. The Voltage on the IP22 and Battery Protect said 16v+, but the BMV said it was 12.9 (ish). The SOC on the BMC was 100%, but i decided to resync it and then the voltages all dropped back to 14.7 and has been fine since. So my question is what happened as the IP22 shouldn't go above 15v (with the high setting)? Just a bit worried that it will happen again and potentially damage something. Cheers in advance :)

bluesmart ip22
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Hi @drewbie,

have you checked temperature compensation settings?

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1 Answer
elwood64 avatar image
elwood64 answered ·

I had an almost identical issue. It arose after the first two, normal charging cycles. The problem appeared after those cycles and after joining my VE.Smart network. The charger was set to a normal cycle and reset to default profiles to make sure, but would immediately jump to reconditioning voltages (16v+) upon being plugged in. A BatteryProtect thankfully protected sensitive electronic loads downstream.

It turns out that the charger automatically picked up a BatterySense on the network connected to a different battery and assumed the worst. Not exactly a fail safe mechanism. I don't get why a smart charger would defer its own "understanding" of the battery's voltage to another device. Temps were the same. The charger just ran amok when faced with conflicting information. Again, not exactly a fail safe design choice.

Love my VE products, but that's a design flaw IMHO. The charger should not automatically associate with an outboard sensor. Simpler documentation for noobs like me would be appreciated. I'm an experienced networking and electronics professional, but it never occurred to me that by joining a VE.Smart network devices would start making (bad) assumptions about each other.

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

You probably should have watched the video in the SBS manual.

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