
kanecharles92 avatar image
kanecharles92 asked

EasySolar-II GX 48/5000 - PV charge requires jumper?

Hi guys,

This weekend just gone I experienced the same issue as described here ( on my newly commissioned EasySolar-II GX 48/5000 unit.

This is a remote installation with very limited internet access however I managed to get that forum post to load which advised about bridging the H and L pins of the SmartSolar unit with a jumper wire to get it working.

The SmartSolar unit still has the VE.Direct cable going from itself to the GX, I removed the red cable (the same as the images in the above thread) from the H input to the SmartSolar and bridged both pins and it started working immediately.

Does anyone have any idea as to why this might be happening? Is this expected? What is that red wire supposed to do and could it just be a configuration issue that meant the SmartSolar unit wouldn’t charge the batteries with the wiring from factory?

Hoping someone can provide some insight into this please.



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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

All Victron mppts require the jumper to be in place if the H/L are not being used for the function they were designed for, like a BMS.

As for why it is loose? sometimes they work loose in shipping. Usually in installation all connections should be checked, and then as part of maintenance periodically after.

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kanecharles92 avatar image kanecharles92 commented ·

Hi @Alexandra, thank you for confirming that.

I am more curious as to why there was a red wire going into the H input on the SmartSolar controller (looks to be running to the multiplus/gx as well?) if it was not able to enable charging? Ie what was its purpose?

I suspect it is potentially for this purpose (taken from the link you shared above):

When the voltage on the H terminal is more than 2.9V (up to the battery voltage) via a switch, relay or other external device, like a battery BMS.

Perhaps that wire is supposed to provide a signal from the GX to the SmartSolar unit to tell it when to start charging?

Hopefully there is an explanation as to what the wire is supposed to do within the EasySolar unit.



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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ kanecharles92 commented ·
That red wire is normal for the EasySolar. I never looked from where it is coming from but I think it should just be connected to the battery positive. Out of the box the MPPT should always start charging, I never had issues with that.

Maybe the the other side of your red wire is loose or have a bad connection.

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