
dmq avatar image
dmq asked

[closed] Venus OS migrate to Venus OS large node-red

Dear all,

is it possible to migrate Venus OS to Venus OS Large on a compatible RPi without a whole new installation (fresh dd to sd card)?

I want to work with node-red.

If not, can I add a package-repository where node-red is included?



Venus OS
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2 Answers
dmq avatar image
dmq answered ·

It works by just following the steps in the wiki. But it is a reflash - my settings for my display etc. are not there anymore. So I have to set everything up again.

1 comment
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Sophie & Christian avatar image Sophie & Christian commented ·
Please, can you give the link of this wiki (just in case i do not read it up to now) ?


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dmq avatar image
dmq answered ·

Just for reference. After migrating, the following cmd is needed to update package repo:

(in case of old: 2.73 -> v2.80~21-large-23)

/opt/victronenergy/swupdate-scripts/ candidate

Second hint:

just save /etc/pointercal to /data and restore it afterwards. GUI is up + running again.

Thanks for this great project + your efforts!

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Sophie & Christian avatar image Sophie & Christian commented ·
Please, can you detail a little more on these commands, for instance where did you find it, etc. Thanks a lot
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dmq avatar image dmq Sophie & Christian commented ·
I think this has nothing to do with your other case. You should do this, after successful installation of the large release just in case you can not update the opkg package db.
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