
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany asked

VRM/CCGX Enhancement - display the temperature adjusted charge voltages

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

There have been quite a few questions lately about charge voltges/temp compensation

It would be great if in VRM/CCGX (and other displays) we could see Battery voltage, Temp compensation and compensated voltage settings. Possibly as part of the battery summary in VRM.

feature request
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi Kevgermany,

Noted, nice idea. It does mean a firmware change in the (many different) chargers, and inverter/chargers, they need then to transmit this temperature corrected setpoint.

so this will take a while. but, as said, nice idea!


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iand avatar image iand commented ·
Surely Victron could add the "display data if available" code (e.g. to Cerbo first) and then add the "provide data if requested" code (e.g. to MPII or Quattro II first)? Doesn't have to be done to all displays and inverters from day one so long as it doesn't break compatibility, indeed it may not be possible (or worthwhile) to add this to some smaller/older units.
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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ iand commented ·
Ofcourse we could and might do that.

But its not like I'm going to now immediately run over to a developer, tell him to drop what he is doing, switch to this change (and possibly switch product he is working on) and go do it.

So, since this is nice but not an urgent bug or something, and since I don't have people sitting around waiting for something to do, it will take a while before things like this are done.

That is all I wanted to say: realistically, this will take a while, meaning probably several months, and possibly longer. But if someone is now working on something already where this can be squeezed in, then shorter.

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iand avatar image iand mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

I was just suggesting a solution to your reply which said "It does mean a firmware change in the (many different) chargers, and inverter/chargers" -- implying it was a big job because everything needed changing.

I work in electronics and we're often confronted with feature requests like this, and the usual solution is to modify things one at a time -- often at the same time as some other update is needed, to reduce effort and verification -- instead of dropping everything to roll out the new feature to all equipment. And often the feature is only added to newer equipment, older stuff is left untouched.

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