
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

Pylontech lithium batteries and EasySolar-II

I have seen that Victron Energy has certified Pylontech US2000C and US3000C lithium batteries with Multi, MultiPlus, MultiGrid and Quattro but EasySolar devices are not mentioned.

Is EasySolar-II compatible with Pylontech US2000C or US3000C lithium batteries?


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3 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

An easysolar is just an all in one multi/mppt package.

Anything supported on a multi should be supported on an easy solar.

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Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho answered ·

But the internal GX modul, how powerful is conpared with Cerbo GX ?

can you link 2 or more EasySolar in a chain just in case you need to expand your installation in the future?

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·
The internal GX module is the same as the Color Control GX. It is about 4x slower than the Cerbo but you probably don't need that extra power unless you want to run NodeRed.

If you are planning to expand the system, I would suggest you rather install a Multiplus-II and Cerbo. This make expansion a lot easier.

You can't chain another Easy Solar but you can link Multiplus to an Easy Solar but it is a pain and isn't always reliable rather use Multiplus-II's.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ shaneyake commented ·

I echo that sentiment. There is very little cost difference for a component system vs integrated.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ shaneyake commented ·


The GX module inside a MultiPlus-II GX or EasySolar II is more powerful than the Cerbo GX.

The Cerbo has a dual core CPU and the GX module a quad core but with half the RAM.

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Sorry, I was mistaken, I thought the Multi GX was based on CCGX but looks like it is based on Maxi GX. Thanks for correcting me.

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the-doon avatar image
the-doon answered ·

I have an EasySolar-II GX and have paralleled a MultiPlus-II with it with no problems. I’m not aware of any problems connecting them.

The nice thing about the EasySolar-II GX is it eliminates the interconnecting wiring/fuses you’d normally have to run to the 3 seperate devices down to 1 device.

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