
Josep morancho avatar image
Josep morancho asked

Cerbo GX and Battery Balancer

Does Cerbo GX supports Battery Balancer ?

If so, which communication protocol/port (ve.bus, ve.can,...) is it used?


cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Martin Birrell avatar image
Martin Birrell answered ·
I have wired the alarm output of my Balancers to my Venus's digital inputs. The alarm triggers an error log message saying which Balancer is in error and turns off my MPPT chargers via the alarm relay for the length of the error.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Josep morancho

@MBirrell1966 has a neat solution here.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Battery balancers aren't smart devices, they don't have a comms bus.

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peggy avatar image
peggy answered ·

@Martin Birrell How did you configure the GX on the inputs menu to do this? Thanks

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