
linum avatar image
linum asked

Supported VE.Direct Commands/Register for the Peak Power Packs

I try to get as much information as possible from a Peak Power Pack. What I see is a different behaviour than what's documented. E.g. "VE.Direct-Protocol-3.32.pdf" states in the Introduction: "On power up, a VE.Direct interface will always be in Text-mode, and continuously transmits
all run-time fields. As soon as it receives a valid HEX-message,..." But I've never seen any text message from my Peak Power Pack. I use the software from to read Peak Power Pack with a USB cable. But I only get the main_voltage and the temperature right now. And a message I can't find any documentation:

Parsing data from main_voltage [ED8D] = 13.530

Parsing data from temp [EDEC] = 313.000


So where can I find specific information about how to "talk" to a Peak Power Pack. I need to know if it's charged and the SOC (I know that's a hard question).

VE.DirectPeak Power Pack
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5 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Have you tried looking at the ASCII data from the power pack with a terminal program to see what data is actually being transmitted? There are so many different product types now using the VE direct physical layer the the documentation for the protocol is now out of date. I found similar problem with the smart shunt - which is similar to but different from the BMV protocol. If the data you need is being transmitted, then you need to update the interface software or write your own. If the data is not being transmitted in the ASCII format, you may need to use the hex protocol ti interrogate the registers.

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linum avatar image linum commented ·
As I said and Thiemo confirmend, there are no text messages. But I found no documentation that mentioned that.
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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·


Unfortunately, the peak power pack does not support the VE.Direct TEXT protocol. It only supports VE.Direct HEX. Regarding the data that can be obtained, it supports the following:

ED8D : Battery voltage in 0.01V units
EDA8 : Output 1 status (0 = off, 1 = on)
ED58 : Output 2 (domestic output) status (0 = off, 1 = on)
EDEC : Temperature in 0.01Kelvin units
0200 : Device Mode (3 = on, 4 = off, h'FC = standby, h'FD = hibernate)
2100: BMS Flags (bit 0 = charged, bit 2 = discharged, bit 4 = charging, bit 10 = overvoltage warning, bit 15 = high temperature alarm, bit 22 = low temperature alarm, bit 23 = short circuit alarm)
0312 : History maximum temperature in 0.01Kelvin units
0313 : History minimum temperature in 0.01Kelvin units

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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linum avatar image linum commented ·
Thanks Thiemo, that's would help a lot. I will included these messages to my client.
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alexb avatar image
alexb answered ·

as this post is 2 years old I was wandering if some additional values were made available to extract form the ppp via
I'm looking for a way to get the current drawn from the device as well as the battery charge and the expected time till the battery is empty.

Thank in advance


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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Moved to modifications, more chance of an answer there.

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alexb avatar image alexb kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Any information on the available registers on the Peak Power Pack?

I'm looking for something similar to the BMV Hex Protokoll.

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alexb avatar image
alexb answered ·


is there anyone with more information on the available VE.Direct codes on the peak power pack (ppp)?

Thanks in advance

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freher avatar image
freher answered ·

Any news or working solution on this topic? Anyone?

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Related Resources

Peak Power Pack Product Page.

Peak Power Pack Manual PDF.

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE.Direct protocol FAQ