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dirtyfrank asked

ESS Assistant 017E suggestion/improvement


the idea to also switch off MPPT charging while charging in the Multi is deactivated, is certainly a good idea for many use cases. As a matter of fact, it isn't for me.

There might be other people who would probably prefer the previous behaviour. I.e. charging from PV while not charging from grid and/or generator.

So IMHO it would be better to leave the choice to the user. Another checkbox in VE Configure (in the ESS Assistant settings) to choose between deactivating or not deactivating MPPT charging while Multi charging is off would be great and very helpful.

I know that there are workarounds. It worked for me to revert to the previous assistant version 017C. This was a quite annoying procedure though with lots of space for improvement concerning user-friendliness. Anyway - so far I haven't noticed any problems by doing so. However there might be conflicts for people using a VE.Bus BMS, so an updated assistant version would be really great.

Thanks in advance for considering my suggestion.

So long,

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