
ortessa avatar image
ortessa asked

Installing Cerbo GX and Touch 50

I am installing Cerbo GX and Touch 50 Screen with a new Multiplus11 inverter.

The Cerbo GX is a 15 metre cable run to the Touch 50.

Can I power the Touch 50 with a separate USB power supply?

Can I use a 15m HDMI extension?

If no, then how to solve the problem?


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

The GX Touch USB connection is for power only so yes you can power it from another source.

The only way to know if the extinction will work is to try it. Stay away from active cables though as these may or may not pass the i2c data which carries the touch information back to Cerbo.

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ortessa avatar image
ortessa answered ·

Thank you. We used a 5 metre USB extension cable and a 15 metre HDMI cable and it all worked fine!

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Phil avatar image Phil commented ·

Can you supply a link for the USB and HDMI you purchased??? TIA...

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