
PeterM avatar image
PeterM asked

Multiplus lock up at 52HZ with AC coupled SMA

I have decided to move one of my SMA's to the output of the Multiplus 1 5000VA. Currently we are having lots of grid failures and so I can test the offgrid frequency control capability of the Multiplus. I set up VEconfigure such that there is a PV inverter on the output with value of 1830W. Once grid was lost and as SOC reached a specified limit ( 82% ) the Multiplus was forced to float mode ( using generator settings in Venus ). Then as power demanded decreased frequency shifted up to 52 Hz throttling down the SMA to about 25% of max power . Eventually it reached 52.1 Hz and SMA tripped - all OK so far - grid then returned however the Multiplus remained at 52.1 Hz and it would not recognize that there was a valid 50Hz grid present - I left it for about 10 mins and was then forced to switch is off and back on again where apon the multi then happily synced to the 50Hz grid. Multi is at v 433 and am reluctant to change to the latest as everything else works well. Is this a known issue with this firmware?

AC PV Coupling
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Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·
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PeterM avatar image PeterM commented ·
Thanks for the link however the Multi did not reset when Grid was present as per point 2 though!
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