
luk3337 avatar image
luk3337 asked

pv configurations for mppt 150/100

I have 12 panels 285w data vmp 32.2v imp 8.86a voc 39.3v isc 9.31a how best connect them to victron smartsolar mppt 150/100 mc4. i have 48v battery. I'd like connected them in 4 strings of 3 making the string sum of the voltage 120V and the current just under 40A. Will it work on one mc4.
I would appreciate any hints. LUK

MPPT SmartSolarSolar PanelVEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @luk3337

It might still 'work', but the current rating for MC4 connectors is 30A. Best to run 2 pairs. Standard MC4's are designed to fit 'solar wire' of up to 6mm2, and that's what I'd use.

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luk3337 avatar image luk3337 commented ·


what if i had used a Y cable and connected the string to two mc4. as I understand it, I would not exceed the limit of 30 A per one mc4.

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luk3337 avatar image luk3337 commented ·
Will the cable Y help to connect to the controller correctly? Unfortunately I can't make a second line. Please help.
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ luk3337 commented ·

You could do this to satisfy standards for the mppt, but if you're running inadequate wire from the panels then you still have a safety issue. We don't know what you have there so can't really advise. Please *take care*..

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luk3337 avatar image luk3337 JohnC ♦ commented ·
Thank you for your answer. It will give me some hope. I have a 6mm2 cable between the panels and the controller, so I think it will be enough?
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