
mikedonner avatar image
mikedonner asked

Losing Amps??


I have an off grid fixed system with no AC in, connected to 4 battleborne batteries in parallel to a Lynx Power In. Its about 9 feet (2 feet using 2 AWG to Lynx then 7 feet much thicker 4/0 AWG) from the actual batteries to a Multiplus 12/3000/120.

When I look at the display for the inverter inside VictronConnect software app under "current" for the AC OUT it will display around 1amp, but under battery "current" it will say from 5-7amps.

Is this actual loss? And if so is that a normal loss rate?

I have networked my MPPT, shunt, and inverter. And I'm pretty sure all my settings are correct BattleBorne guided me through it.

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

P = U x I

Higher voltage -> lower current for the same power

Lower voltage -> higher current for the same power

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mikedonner avatar image mikedonner commented ·
ah yes, thank you
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