
espoerer avatar image
espoerer asked

Hello, I bought a supported external Victron Wi-Fi USB dongle to increase wireless range. To install it I just plug it in? Or there is some software setup at the Remote Console? Thanks in advance.

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If it is supported then you just plug it in. No driver or software to install they are built into the GX OS.

Then you just need to enter your wifi password.

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tmartin000 avatar image
tmartin000 answered ·

Yup, just plug in..

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Do not use the first USB port next to the HDMI port. That USB port is only for powering the optional Cerbo GX display.

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espoerer avatar image espoerer commented ·
Thank you very much!

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