
jae avatar image
jae asked

CCGX remote screen/ additional display no smartphones or pc aloud

I have a client that has no technology and wont have WiFi etc. How can I have a simple setup of a second display screen from the CCGX inside the home on a fixed display in the kitchen for example. No control of the plant is required just a display screen of some kind but as mentioned, not on a pc or laptop. Ipad or similar not ok either as would be using WiFi. Am I better off installing a BMV-700 instead.

CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Just a idea, but no real solution sorry

On a CCGX the only way is via a lan cable and some form of computer device. Or install a computer or similar that has a HDMI output and then a long cable (there are restrictions on the length of a HDMI cables but then that are devices around to boost that signal range

now if you had a Cerbo then you could use HDMI and a TV

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