
batak avatar image
batak asked

Feature Request - Multiplus Virtual Switch

I'm running the Victron Cerbo GX Multiplus, Victron Solar Controller and a Victron Smart Battery Monitor and I configured the Virtual Switch to ignore dedicated ignore AC input in an RV application. I'm hoping that it would be possible to Disable (Do Not Us VS) from the Cerbo GX like the ability to toggle the multiplus on and and off and change the AC Input current limit. I go off-grid quite often and use the onboard Generator for AC and other High draw appliances and I'm required to bring a laptop and change this if I forget to do so before I leave home.

virtual switch
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1 Answer
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

You could use assistants instead.

Example: Install a "generator start-and stop" assistant to control your primary relay with the conditions you now have in your virtual switch, two "programmable relay" assistants to switch on and off AC input based on the state of an aux input through a "general flag" and connect the primary relay to the aux input. This give you the possibility to install a physical switch to manually override the automation, and also to shut it completely off with another physical switch that breaks the connection.

That is how I have done it.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

VE Configure/Virtual Switch

Ignore AC input using the Generator Assistant