
md-canada avatar image
md-canada asked

velib for C

How can I get velib.c? I am trying to write a driver to connect my RV-C SeeLevel. I've got the SeeLevel readings in C, but now I need to put them on the DBus. I'm trying to use dbus-adc, but velib appears to be missing from github

Venus OS
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md-canada avatar image md-canada commented ·

Anyone? I'm rather stuck and worry that I'm just missing something obvious.

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jeroen avatar image jeroen ♦ md-canada commented ·

You're not missing anything, it is simply is not publicly available at the moment.

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md-canada avatar image md-canada jeroen ♦ commented ·

Thanks, I thought I was looking in the right spots, but wasn't sure. Is there any reason that it is not publicly available? Should I expect that it will be available again soon? Does this happen often?

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I have a python program that handled the SeeLevel N2K version. Might be of some help:

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md-canada avatar image md-canada commented ·
Thanks. I'll see if there is anything in there that I can use. I'm not familiar with python, so I'd prefer the C library.

Since you have the N2K SeeLevel system working, is there any chance you can capture the initial CAN discovery messages for me using candump? I think "candump can0 -x -tz" would work well. I'll need to do a similar discovery sequence with the RV-C version and would prefer to populate the DBus with real information from the SeeLevel as opposed to hardcoding it. I'm not very familiar with the higher level usage of J1939/RV-C, so it would be great to see how it is done over N2K and see if it can be done over RV-C.

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rljonesau avatar image
rljonesau answered ·

I'll add my vote for a compiled velib.lib at least (for a RPi) so we could potentially build our own drivers in C.
Likewise I just cannot get my mind about Python :-/

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