
Ing. Stefan Melicha avatar image
Ing. Stefan Melicha asked

Cerbo GX with GX Touch50 show wrong Power-Data! PV-Inverter is conect to AC-out on MultiplusII but is shown on AC-in

cerbo gx
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5 Answers
eliott avatar image
eliott answered ·

Hi! I had the same problem but the other way around. So it might be the same issue in your case.

We had no PV inverter, just shore connection. When charging the batteries, the Multiplus showed negative current from AC-out instead of load from AC-in.

After hours of trying to figure out, the solution was to update the firmware and it solved the problem.

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Murray van Graan avatar image
Murray van Graan answered ·

Hi @ISM-Gmbh

Do you use an energy meter for the PV inverter or is it a Fronius that communicates directly with the Cerbo? If it is an energy meter, it need to be configured to the output of the inverter, in the settings menu under energy meter.

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Ing. Stefan Melicha avatar image
Ing. Stefan Melicha answered ·

HI @Murray van Graan! The energy-meter is on position Grid-Meter. If the PV-Inverter delivers no power every thing is ok, when the PV-inverter is aktive, then i have the problems. The inverter is an SMA Sunnyboy 3.0. The Frimware is the last version. Here the electrical sheet and GX touch pictures.VICTRON-ESS.pdfimg-20210515-103724585.jpg

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Murray van Graan avatar image Murray van Graan commented ·

How does the GX device know what power is produced by the SMA? I assume it is via a second energy meter, ET340? If that’s so, This energy meter need to be configured in the settings of the GX to be on the output of the Multi.

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Ing. Stefan Melicha avatar image
Ing. Stefan Melicha answered ·

Today i had found a diffrence between the Configuration from the Multiplus-II (PV-Inverter on AC-out) and the Information in the VRM-DEVICE LIST icon PV-Inverter (Position: AC-in). How can I change the cofiguration at the VRM. P.S. PV-Inverter is connected to AC-out-1 at the Multiplus-II

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Ing. Stefan Melicha avatar image
Ing. Stefan Melicha answered ·

Now i know that i must set in the cerbo GX the same settings like in the Multiplus. Now everything funktion how should do.

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