
dafyddhirst avatar image
dafyddhirst asked

Is this a vrm bug or am I sending something incorrect with my tank sensor

Im working on a modbus to dbus tank sender interface

I have the /Remaining reading ok on the unit (ok incorrect units as well) but on vrm it displays with an additional 3 zeros after it on the graph . see graph below






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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I would look at the way the dBus parameters are created. The /Remaining parameter is a value between 0 and 100 representing the tank's level as a percentage. I think the parameter is normally created as an integer although my TankRepeater makes no specific type declaration when creating it's dBus services.

If you create the parameter as a float, then VRM may be doing the right thing. I'd make sure the add_path call doesn't have a decimal value for initial level.

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