
jacovdh avatar image
jacovdh asked

Excess PV to non essentials

I have a quattro 48/10000 with 4x 250/100 mppts and 6 pylontech batteries. Do not use all the pv power available, is there anyway to use the excess pv on AC out 2?

Have a friend who uses energy meter to push back excess pv to non essentials on main DB that feeds the multipluss unit

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerESS
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1 Answer
jomugu avatar image
jomugu answered ·

For all of you. I developed a system a few years ago to use the energy excess. The system has been tested with really nice results with AC-Coupled Victron Fronius, 3kVA, 4,5 KWp, 24V-445Ah flooded batteries.

This system calculates in a simple and really cheap way the PV available power and calculate the excess when the Fronius intruder is throttled.

With that system, I'm running two AC, a water treatment plant a a water heater. The system can handle up to 6 loads and also has its own App to monitor, set parameters and switch on/off the different loads.

Now I'm planning to develop a version for DC-coupled systems, although AC.couple systems have a lot of benefits when using energy excess.

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