
ggr avatar image
ggr asked

Temp monitoring


I will connect a Smart solar charger 150/70 with 3 battery bank's located separately. How can I monitor the temperature of each bank? Installing 3 smart sensors each one with every bank will work?


Temperature Sensor
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1 Answer
ozaaron avatar image
ozaaron answered ·

Not sure if this helps, but from the VE.Smart Networking manual:

"It is not possible to measure multiple battery temperatures/voltages/charge currents: only one Smart Battery Sense, or one BMV can be used in a system. Having multiple sensors connected to different batteries can lead to charging issues as overcharging or heating up the batteries."

So looks like the answer might be no; but I'm no expert sorry.

Here is a link to the VE.Smart Networking Manual (check out section 5 limitations).

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor