
lizard-ranger avatar image
lizard-ranger asked

MPPT Charge stats via the VE Direct system

Please can you help my confusion,

On the MPPT Charge Controllers, we can pull stats via the VE Direct system


PID	0xA043			-- Product ID for BlueSolar MPPT 100/15
FW	119			-- Firmware version of controller, v1.19
SER#	HQXXXXXXXXX		-- Serial number
V	13790			-- Battery voltage, mV
I	-10			-- Battery current, mA
VPV	15950			-- Panel voltage, mV
PPV	0			-- Panel power, W
CS	5			-- Charge state, 0 to 9
ERR	0			-- Error code, 0 to 119
LOAD	ON			-- Load output state, ON/OFF
IL	0			-- Load current, mA
H19	0 			-- Yield total, kWh
H20	0			-- Yield today, kWh
H21	397			-- Maximum power today, W
H22	0 			-- Yield yesterday, kWh
H23	0			-- Maximum power yesterday, W
HSDS	0			-- Day sequence number, 0 to 365
Checksum	l:A0002000148		-- Message checksum

My Question is.

CS 5 -- Charge state, 0 to 9

I know there is (Off, Fault, Bulk, Absorption, Float, Storage and Equalize)

Can you help link the numbers:

0 = Off

Below is a simple display of what I am trying to complete.
I know there is the VRM and yes it is amazing.

This project is a Home Automation system I am putting together in Node-Red.

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

moved to 'modifications' section.

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