
michelg avatar image
michelg asked

Cerbo GX - Eject button for the MicroSD

Hi everybody !

After upgrading from 2.58 to 2.60 the Cerbo GX firmware, I have been searching through the different menus for the "eject" MicroSD card, and not found it.

Thanks for your comments and help.


cerbo gx
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3 Answers
ttbb avatar image
ttbb answered ·

There is no mac os style safe eject just power down the unit and remove the SD!

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michelg avatar image michelg commented ·

Hi TTbb, thanks for the answer. Curiously, when I removed the MicroSD (without powering off the Cerbo GX), I got a message mentionning I should use the eject button. Here is the pciture.

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ttbb avatar image ttbb michelg commented ·

Well MichelG, you know what we can conclude form this! We can conclude I was wrong and there is indeed a mac style safe eject.

To find it: Settings> scroll down to 'VRM online portal' > scroll down to 'microSD / USB'

On seeing it i am pretty sure i have previously used it. oops!

Powering down is however still a valid safe way to remove it as there is no read write to the card.

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michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Great ! Thanks for your help... As a newbie, I will have probably a lot of questions ... Have a nice evening.


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jeroen avatar image
jeroen answered ·

You can search what you want with a sd-card with a swu file on it, but you won't find it, see (and there is if you use it for data logging).

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