
veronica-flynn avatar image
veronica-flynn asked

E2 code of 66.1V for a 24V battery bank. Is this a commissioning error?

My MPPT 150/35, registered an E2 (66.1V) for a 24V system. This occurred on Day 1 only. Coinciding with the commissioning of a new system of 10 000Ah gell battery capacity.up from 520Ah. Was this spike a transitional anomaly?

Secondly, I have gone into the VE direct today & dialed down the float voltage to 26.63 as per battery specs with equalisation off, as the 8 manual options were too high (30 days of operation) but will the absorption phase come down commesurably?

Finally, my battery bank has been going down with major fissures in the gell between the plates suggesting over charging, has the above attributed to the current battery condition (pun intended)?

Yours stressed, Scott

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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @veronica flynn

What does your installer say of this? it's his/her job to get everything working correctly.

your battery might have been disconnected during the error on the MPPT for instance.

btw, on your battery monitor min/max voltage is also recorded.

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