
Tod Kinsley avatar image
Tod Kinsley asked

MPPT setup for shade dappled roads

I read a blog post last year on delaying mppt switching when driving roads with sun then shade then sun and so on. The BMV started showing full charge at 1 to 1.5 volts low. What parameter do I change to delay the mppt in trying to find the best point? MPPT 100/50 and BMV 712.

mppt charging
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nick-wiggill avatar image nick-wiggill commented ·

I would also be interested to know. I guess the main question is, "Does it really matter?" How long will you be driving through such areas for?

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Tod Kinsley

There is no parameter to adjust the Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm.

There was a change made to how the charge controller responded to periods of zero sun (such as a deep forest, or bridge overpass). The period was adjusted so that these were not interpreted as the end of the day. The issue that was fixed was with the history, and also re-bulking/absorption timing.

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