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homestorage-77 asked

Transmitting Current sensor data to Multiplus

I'm planning an installation of a Multiplus 48/5000 with batteries to complement my grid-coupled solar.

I plan on installing the batteries & Multiplus ~30m from my incoming mains, so will have to transmit the current data from the grid to the Multiplus over this distance.

My question is, how do I physically do this? I see in another thread ( that a grid meter is required, "connected by cable or wireless"

But how is it connected? RJ45 between grid meter and Multiplus? Into which input? how does the Multiplus know what this is if not incoming from the current sensor directly?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer
homestorage-77 avatar image
homestorage-77 answered ·

An answer to my question can be found here:

An up to 100m long RS485 to USB cable can be used to tranmit from energy meter (RS485) to Colour Control GX (USB) which then plugs into the Multiplus via ethernet.

Although a Zigbee wireless option is available, I do not expect it to reliably worth through multiple walls and 30m distance.

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