
bendel avatar image
bendel asked

MultiPlus II cable length of Ac Sensor

Hi. I have a Building about 30 m away from the Place i Need to install the ac Sensor. Since all the cableing and the MultiPlus Shall be installed in the Building 35 m away i Need a possibility to transmitt The Signal of the ca Converter about 35m can you give Advanced what can be done?

Best regards Norbert

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3 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


You can use the DTK electronics wireless units that convert RS485 to USB to link to the CCGX

or raspi units.

I used these models from a Ebay supplier DRF2658C USB unit and the DRF2659C RS485 unit

all worked OK. No issues as i have AC sensor in my switch board some distance away.

Is this what you are after?


Rob D


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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Bendel

The 'AC Current sensor' is only for a connection close-by, for longer distances you'll need a 'grid meter', this can be connected by cable or wireless

You'll need a Venus device also with this, but I assume you already have one (planned).

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bendel avatar image bendel commented ·

Thank you, why do i Need a Venus device ?

Just for visualiazation or is it needed for Communication Grid Meter with MultiPlus II

Have a Nice day.

Best regards Norbert

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bendel avatar image bendel bendel commented ·

In case i Bus a MultiPlus II GX is the Venus device needed for Communication bewtwwen the Grid Meter and the MultiPlus Ii GX.

Thank you

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bendel avatar image bendel bendel commented ·

Sorry i mean: In case i buy .....

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bendel avatar image
bendel answered ·

Hi Daniel and Rob,

Thank you Both for the

answers. I think i Daniels Solution,is covering my Problem : the Ac Sensor is too gar away from my MultiPlus II.

Robś Solution is covering from My understanding an Other problem :the additional overview Screen (CCGX) is too gar away from the MultiPlus II.

Thank you for your answers!

Have a nice day.

Regards Norbert

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