
jonsouch avatar image
jonsouch asked

device list on CCGX incorrect

I have installed 4 MPPT Solar Charger with VE Can daisy chained together with terminators in each end(1st MPPT and CCGX) I have them individually named as they cover different arrays in different positions so I can track how each position is performing.

My question is-I have simply connected them up, enabled VeCan bus on my CCGX, I can see them all on Bluetooth working individually, how can I be sure they are working together as a combined charger as the Ve Can is designed to do, I can see the total PV on my BMV, but not convinced they are working, as a sole unit? secondly when I go into Device List on my CCGX it only lists 2 of the MPPT's and says one is not connected. Is there perhaps something I need to do other than relying on default settings. I thought they would be very plug and play. All MPPT's are up to the latest Software/Firmware.


CCGX Color Control
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The article above you will see you are correct in that the networking is plug and play. You should see all four charge controllers individually and they do auto select the voltage on first time connection to the battery bank. However as far as I am aware the battery type is not auto selected, this will affect some functions.

There are a few things that need to be checked in your setup if you can only see two of your four controllers, such as the rotary switches at the bottom. I am assuming all the software settings are the same on all charge controllers, are they still on default?

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jonsouch avatar image
jonsouch answered ·

Thanks Alexandra,

All the controllers are set to the same for the best algorithm for my Northstar Batteries, in my case No 2 setting, the software versions are all the latest and identical. Interesting though on the article you attached they show the daisy chain with a terminator in the CCGX but not the first MPPT, wonder if that's just a schematic error or fact, mine are terminated both ends, I will try taking out the one in the first MPPT, see what happens.


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