
peyper avatar image
peyper asked

How to stop Grid using electricity while I am 100% on PV and Battery

Good day all,

I noticed that the Grid is using 2kwh per day.

My system is completely running off PV during the day and battery during the night with 40% plus in the morning when the sun starts coming out.

My installer is talking about reactive power between Grid and Inverters....

2 x Multiplus II 48/5000

1 x RS 450/200

2 x Solar MD 14.3kwh batteries

28 x 400W IBC panels



grid parallel
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3 Answers
Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@Peyper Assuming you are set up using ESS mode, then yes, you will always take a little off the grid. If you want to reduce the amount you take from the grid, then set the grid setpoint to a negative value so you make sure you are always exporting a small amount and therefore never (or next to nothing) importing from the grid unless you have to.


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peyper avatar image
peyper answered ·

@Jason - UK , Yes ESS setup. I had my very first Overload L1 warning this moring as the grid failed. We have scheduled grid shut down here in South Africa. My current load at the time of the grid failure was 500-700W, no more.

My grid setpoint settings was -30W, changed it to 20W

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supec avatar image
supec answered ·

Anybody else tried negative Grid Setpoint to decrease using of the grid (my system is also sucking 1-2kWh per day with full battery - probably inductive cooker cycling?)?

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