
mystic avatar image
mystic asked

Unable to see battery SOC in VRM or on GX touch

I have an all Victron system on our boat. Cerbo GX, GX Touch 50, Smart solar MPPT charger, Orion DC/DC charger, Blue smart charger, and smart shunt. I can see the SOC on the app when at the boat, but I only see voltage in VRM and on the touch screen.

LiFePo batteries were disconnected from the shunt over the winter, and I have been unable to return the system readings to the way it was reading last season. Shunt, DC/DC, and Solar charger are connected to the Cerbo with VE direct cables.

When I log into VRM from home I only see the MPPT charger and Cerbo on the device list. On the dashboard I see the MPPT charger and battery voltage only.

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If it has been disconnected for a time it could be in an unsynchronized state.

Other alternative is firmware.

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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Try a power disconnect and system reboot to see if it discovers the missing items.

The other thought is if you disconnected things, what is now selected as the battery monitor. Go into menu > Settings > System setup and see if you habe anything chosen for the battery monitor.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Mystic,

It sounds to me like the SmartShunt is not correctly connected to the GX device.

Double check the VE.Direct cable that runs from the SmartShunt to the VE.Direct port of the GX device and make sure that it is securely in place.

If you are in front of the unit and can connect to the SmartShunt via the VictronConnect app, but still not see it on the GX touch display, then that cable is the next point to check again.

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