
der-ambergauer avatar image
der-ambergauer asked

Problem with EVCS. Screen shows something wierd and touch does not work.


my EVCS screen shows not the expected infos and touch does not work. Via VRM and browser ( local IP ) all is fine.

Whats wrong with my EVCS?




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20240702-192132.jpg (553.6 KiB)
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4 Answers
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi, please wait for firmware 1.29, beginning of next week it should be released. If it's not fixing the issue, I'm emailing you to have my contact details, you can write me directly.

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der-ambergauer avatar image
der-ambergauer answered ·

Thank you!

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szdan avatar image
szdan answered ·

Same problem for two of our customers. Eager to test the new firmware. @Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) is there any fixes related to this type of issues in the manifest or are we just hoping it will?

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Hi, you have an email from me
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laurent12 avatar image
laurent12 answered ·

Hi, same problem for me and updating with EVCS_Main_FW_OTA_V01.29_C025.evcsup don't change anything.

V4.4 is visible on the screen. What is the issue ?


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Hi, check your email.

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